import { injectAtomSelector } from '@zedux/react'
An injector that accepts an AtomSelector and registers a dynamic graph dependency on the selector's cache.
The selector will rerun every time any of its own dynamic dependencies update. The atom instance that uses this injector will only reevaluate when the selector result changes.
Caches the selector's result in the ecosystem's .selectors
if it hasn't been cached yet. If this selector has been cached before with the exact same arguments, the selector doesn't run, and injectAtomSelector()
returns the cached result.

// only reevaluate when `someField` changes:
const selectedVal = injectAtomSelector(({ get }) => get(myAtom).someField)
const withParams = injectAtomSelector(
({ get }) => get(myAtom, ['a param']).someField
const selectorComposition = injectAtomSelector(
({ select }) => `${select(helloSelector)}, ${select(worldSelector)}!`
const staticVal = injectAtomSelector(
({ getInstance }) => getInstance(myAtom).getState().someField
const staticValUsingEcosystem = injectAtomSelector(
({ ecosystem }) => ecosystem.get(myAtom).someField
const withSelectorConfig = injectAtomSelector({
name: 'example',
resultsComparator: (newVal, oldVal) => _.isEqual(newVal, oldVal),
selector: ({ get }) => get(myAtom, ['a param']).someField,
// passing a selector cache directly:
const cache = ecosystem.selectors.getCache(mySelector) // doesn't subscribe
const value = injectAtomSelector(cache) // subscribes
- Simplified
- TypeScript
injectAtomSelector = (selectable, ...args) => result
declare const injectAtomSelector: <T, Args extends any[]>(
selectable: Selectable<T, Args>,
...args: Args
) => T
Required. An AtomSelector, AtomSelectorConfig object, or a SelectorCache instance.
It's recommended to pass a stable function/object reference whenever possible for best performance.
If an AtomSelector or AtomSelectorConfig object is passed, injectAtomSelector()
runs the selector and caches the value if it hasn't been cached yet. If the selector has been cached before with the exact params (deep equality), Zedux doesn't run the selector and returns the cached value.
If a SelectorCache is passed, injectAtomSelector()
simply returns the cached value.
In all cases, injectAtomSelector()
registers a dynamic dependency on the resolved selector cache - the current atom instance will reevaluate whenever the selector result changes
Required if the selector takes arguments. Must not be passed otherwise.
Selector arguments should always be serializable values (no functions). You can remove this requirement via the complexParams
ecosystem config option (not recommended).
The result of running the selector. If the given selector + args combo has been cached before, injectAtomSelector()
returns the cached value.