import { injectRef } from '@zedux/react'
An injector that returns a stable, mutable Ref object. The injector equivalent of React's useRef
The returned Ref object has a .current
property that is set initially to the passed value.

const secondsAtom = atom('seconds', () => {
const ref = injectRef(0)
injectEffect(() => {
const intervalId = setInterval(
() => ref.current++, // doesn't trigger an update
return () => clearInterval(intervalId)
}, [])
return ref.current
function Seconds() {
const seconds = useAtomValue(secondsAtom)
const instance = useAtomInstance(secondsAtom)
return (
<div>Unchanging Seconds: {seconds}</div>
<button onClick={() => instance.invalidate()}>Force Update</button>
const ref = injectRef('initial value')
ref.current // 'initial value'
ref.current = { something: 'else' }
const noValRef = injectRef()
noValRef.current // undefined
Exporting a Ref:
import { api, atom, injectRef } from '@zedux/react'
const tableAtom = atom('table', () => {
const tableRef = injectRef(null)
return api().setExports({ tableRef })
function Table() {
const { tableRef } = useAtomInstance(tableAtom).exports
return <BigExternalTableComponent ref={tableRef} />
- Simplified
- TypeScript
injectRef = (initialValue?) => ref
declare const injectRef: {
<T>(initialVal: T): MutableRefObject<T>
<T>(initialVal: T | null): RefObject<T>
<T = undefined>(): MutableRefObject<T | undefined>
Optional. Can be absolutely anything.
If passed, this will be set as the initial value of the ref's .current
This value is discarded on all evaluations but the first.
A mutable "ref" object with a .current
property containing the ref's value.
This object is a stable reference - it will be the same exact object reference every time the current atom instance evaluates.